Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pretty In Pink - The Answer

It's taken me 20 years, and in all honesty most of the waking hours of my life to answer this question. Oh, and then there was that small stint at a Wat in Southern Laos for a year or two (Time, she did fly.), but I'd venture a guess that I only really spent half my time there actually pondering much of anything. You see, I was given the task of keeping the village's Water Buffalo "rice paddy ready" as they liked to call it. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why the hell I had to keep up to thirty, usually very angry, Water Buffalo
coiffed and manicured all the time? Especially once I found out what a rice paddy actually was. As I look back I think those monks were just hazing the new guy and maybe after like six months or so they didn't have the heart to tell me. But I digress. To answer the question. Yes, she is pretty in pink.

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